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  • How is CRGP different from other chiropractic/rehab clinics?
    The difference is our approach. We look at the site of your symptoms as well as the entire body as everything is connected. This allows us to find the root of the problem which often times can be at a different location than the symptoms, while still treating those symptoms and getting you out of pain. Our treatment is all inclusive consisting of chiropractic, muscle work and an in house rehab/strength program on some of the most state of the art equipment at the market. We believe this multi-faceted approach is optimal for relieving pain, optimizing movement and creating a resilient body against future injury. We want our patients to come looking to feel better and leave not only feeling better but have the education and know-how to help themselves in the future. Each assessment and treatment session will be spent 1-on-1 with the doctor for an individualized and non-rushed visit allowing for thorough explanations on your condition, the "why" of various treatments, proper technique instruction for rehab exercises and most importantly, for you to have your questions answered completely. Depending on the complexity of your condition, you will have a thorough explanation of your condition and a detailed treatment plan in place by your first or second visit. We want to be partners in your care and get you to your goals.
  • Do you take HSA/FSA?
    We are out of network with most insurance companies so we do not take health insurance BUT we can provide you with a superbill for you to submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement. We do accept HSA/FSA as well.The traditional insurance model does not allow us to treat you the way that we feel is the best nor does it allow us to spend the time with you that we feel is appropriate. Many insurance companies mandate continually changing provider rules, payments, services covered, and dictate number of visits allowed leading to rush patient visits and less than optimal care. These mandated continuous changes are costly and force us to spend more time and resources on compliance with insurance rules rather than your patient care. By being out of network with insurance companies, we are able to spend more quality 1-on-1 time with patients and provide you with the services we think are best, not based on what is covered by insurance. We believe our treatment model is the best treatment for your long term success and not merely treating pain episode to pain episode.
  • What is a superbill?
    A superbill is a medical receipt that we will provide you when you pay upfront with us after your session. You can use this receipt as a way to get reimbursed directly through your insurance depending on your benefits.
  • What does a typical medical session look like?
    Your first visit will include a movement assessment along with other specific testing to determine the root cause of your pain. The findings will be thoroughly discussed with you along with a treatment plan. Treatment will be provided on the first visit. Follow up visits will be tailored to each individuals needs. Treatment will be all inclusive of some combination of chiropractic adjustments, muscle therapy, and a rehab/strength program to decrease pain, optimize movement and create resiliency against injury. Because we do not take insurance and are not bound to timed billable codes, we spend the extra time with you- the time needed to create meaningful changes.
  • What does a typical golf fitness session look like?
    We will start by assessing mobility, strength, and/or power through one of our several screens, along with initial swing speed. Once we determine the areas that we need to prioritize, we will create a custom plan and get to work. Golf fitness programs will consist of 30-45 minutes sessions depending on where we are at in your training. Sessions will consist of golf specific mobility and strength training with various assessments and swing speed checks throughout your plan. With your instructor being Titleist Performance Institute Certified in golf fitness, combined with the use of our superior equipment including the Keiser Functional Trainer, we are confident you will reach your goals, feel looser in your golf swing, and be hitting the ball further!
  • What is different between a normal medical session and a golf injury medical session?
    Many of the principles are the same. We want to locate and treat the root cause of your pain, while managing the symptoms and getting you out of pain as soon as possible and keeping you on the course. When a golfer is in pain we take a few more steps to understand how the pain is related to their swing. Is there a characteristic in the swing causing the pain. For example, golfers who struggle with back pain may not be rooted in the back but be due to limited rotation in the hips, over-stressing the back. If our golfer is working with a golf coach, we will be sure to communicate with them letting them know what we discovered and how their swing might be affecting the golfers body.
  • For an injury or pain patient, what services do you provide?
    Services offered consist of active rehabilitation/strength programs, chiropractic adjustments, muscle release therapy either manually or with Hypervolt percussion therapy, Normatec air compression recovery therapy, and kineseotaping. The recommended treatments will always be discussed prior to treatment with a mutual agreement on the plan.
  • I've heard that when you see a chiropractor once, you have to keep going all the time so things don't get out of place.
    We don't believe in this model. Our approach is to get you out of pain quickly and begin a rehab/strength program to build strength and resiliency for your long term success.
  • I see that you are a chiropractor. Do I have to get my neck or back cracked if I come in?
    Of course not. Dr. Mathias believes that spinal manipulation has its place in treatment but believes that it should only be used when indicated and the overwhelmingly amount of time in conjunction with mobility and/or strengthening exercises.
  • I am 65 years old and want to feel and play better but I'm not sure I can do "golf fitness" at my age.
    Our golf fitness programs can be tailored to all ages and training experience. For less experienced clients or clients that haven't been active for a while, we may start with a stretching and mobility program and progress at a pace that is comfortable for you.
  • How many sessions will I need?
    We don't believe in long drawn out treatment plans. Our goal is to get you out of pain as quick as possible while treating the cause of the pain. Due to the style of our rehab programs, many choose to continue with a strengthening program even after they are out of pain, creating optimal and lasting outcomes.
  • What type of training/experience does the clinician have?
    Dr. Mathias has been fortunate enough to work with patients and clients across the medical and fitness spectrum. He has worked at clinics that provided primarily chiropractic adjustments to clinics that provided primarily rehabilitation and strength/fitness programs. He has worked with conditions from sprain/strain injuries to pre/post surgical patients of all joints including the spine, shoulders, hips and knees. He has worked closely with several surgeons in the area to rehab patients following epidural injections, spinal cord stimulator implementation and spinal fusions. Dr. Mathias has trained clients in the fitness space from weekend warriors to former and professional athletes. He loves the challenge and complexity that the golfer experiences and gravitated toward training golf clients after discovering the Titleist Performance Institute. Thus, helping golfers feel better and hit the ball further through mobility and fitness has become a passion. Dr. Mathias is a Board Certified Chiropractic Physician, Titleist Performance Institute Certified Medical and Fitness, and Selective Functional Movement Assessment Certified.
  • What conditions do you treat?
    We are confident that we can treat most musculoskeletal conditions. If we do not feel that we are the best fit for your condition, we will do our best to make the appropriate referral to a trusted physician or clinic outside of our specialty. A non-comprehensive list of conditions that we commonly treat are listed below. If you have questions whether our clinic is right for you, feel free to give our office a call or schedule a complimentary consultation. Pain/sprain/strains of back, neck, rotator cuff, knees, hips, ankles, wrists Tennis/Golfers Elbow Muscular/Joint Tightness Joint Tendinitis/Tendonosis Arthritis Pre or post surgery of back, neck, rotator cuff, knees, hips, ankles, wrists Spinal Fusions
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(614) 881-2535

6025 Memorial Dr.
Dublin, OH 43017

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Office Hours
M: 8AM-6PM
T: 8AM-6PM
W: 12PM-6PM
F: 8AM-3PM
Sa: By Appointment
Su: Closed

© 2024 by Columbus Rehab & Golf Performance

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